1.新生报到、体检/ Registration for new students

(1)新生应持来华有效签证( X1或X2签证)和《录取通知书》按期到beat365官方网站国际学院办理入学手续。 因故不能按期入学者,应以书面形式向学院请假,请假时间一般不得超过两周。未经请假、请假未经批准或请假逾期者,以旷课论处,无故超过两周不报到者,取消其入学资格。

The new students should arrive at Huzhou University on time with a valid X1/X2 visa and their admission notice to register for enrollment. Students who are not able to arrive on time should submit written notice to request an approval of late arrival. For most cases this period of absence is limited to a maximum of two weeks. Once enrolled, if a student leaves without permission or a period of absence exceeds the permitted leave time, the absence will be regarded as truancy. If a student does not register within the first two weeks, he/she will no longer be allowed to enroll.

(2) 新生来华后需按照我院安排到浙江国际旅行卫生保健中心进行体检。体检不合格者不予注册。不符合中国卫生检疫法规定的健康标准者,应立即离境,离境相关费用自理。

 New students should go through a physical examination according to the schedule in Huzhou International Travel Healthcare Center. If it is not approved, enrollment will be revoked. Those who do not abide by the health standards instituted in the Chinese laws on sanitation and quarantine will be required to leave China immediately at their own expense.

2.老生报到、注册/ Registration for current students


The current students should arrive at Huzhou University on time with a valid Residence Permit to register at their Faculty/College. Students who are not able to arrive on time should submit written notice to request an approval of late arrival. For most cases this period of absence is limited to a maximum of two weeks. If a student leaves without permission or a period of absence exceeds the permitted leave time, the absence will be regarded as truancy. If a student does not register within the first three weeks, he/she will no longer be allowed to be a student of Huzhou University.

3.信息登记与更新/ Register and update information


All international students should check and confirm the information of passport ID, residence permit, contacts and accommodation at the beginning of each semester. Any information changes have to be reported to your Faculty/College and NBU Student Affairs Center.

4.缴费、退费/Fees payment and Refund


During the period of study, all fees stipulated by the university should be paid on time each term. Those who fail to pay on time are not allowed to register and extend residence permit. In addition, his/her study qualification will be eliminated. Tuition fees of degree students shall be paid by academic year, i.e. once for the whole academic year.


Latecomers, transferred students and auditors, no matter how late for registration, have to pay full tuition, registration and insurance fees for the whole current semester.

(3) 所有国际学生须在每年61-30日预缴下学年学费,确因特殊情况不能交清学杂费的学历生,须在开学两周内向所在学院提出缓交申请,经批准后,缴费期限延长至本学年925日。

International students receiving academic education who plan to continue their study for another academic year must make an application and pay tuition fees for the coming academic year from June1st to30th every year. If there are any circumstances in whichstudents cannot pay their tuition fees on time, students are expected to put forth an application within the first two weeks after registration day, which allows them to pay on a later date before September, 25th (autumn semester) if their application are approved by the university. 


①一学期内缺课总时数超过学期总学时40%者 ;




  4Situations for no refund of tuition fees:

No tuition fees will be refunded to those who drop out for the following causes:

I Those whose total hours of absence from class within a semester exceed40% of total class hours of the semester.

II Those who act in such a way that normal teaching order of Huzhou University or social public order is seriously interfered with and disturbed.

III Those who violate the laws or codes of China or the regulations of Huzhou University.

IV Those who are absent from class for two consecutive weeks without permission.


5住宿登记Accommodation Process


It is compulsory for foreigners to register accommodation information and get “Registration Voucher of Residence for Visitors from Overseas” within the specified time(twenty-four hours) after entering China. Otherwise, they will be severely punished by Chinese law.



 Students living off campus:

Please take the Original passport, photocopies of passport ID, current Visa, the latest Chinese entry stamp, original apartment contract, landlord’s ID to the local police station or scan QR code provided by office within 24 hours after entering China to process the “Registration Voucher of Residence for Visitors from Overseas”.



●Students living on Campus

Please come to the International Student Management Office and scan the passport ID, the current visa, the latest Chinese entry stamp and the accommodation invoice within 10 hours after getting registered and checking into dormitory. 

(2) 若住宿地点发生改变,须在更改住宿地后24小时内向当地派出所和留学生管理中心申报新的住宿地点。

If any change occur to accommodation location, it is compulsory by Chinese Immigration Law that foreigners have to apply for a new “Registration Voucher of Residence for Visitors from Overseas” within24 hours after moving locations.


6保险购买及理赔Insurance purchase and claim settling


According to the regulations of Ministry of Education, it is compulsory for all international students who study at a Public University in China, to purchase comprehensive insurance from an authorized insurance company in China.


Regardless whether you have insurance in your home country that covers you while staying in China or not, if you register at Huzhou University, it is compulsory that you purchase an insurance plan from a mainland Chinese insurance broker.


Only after students have purchased an insurance plan will they be able to apply for the residence permit.


The specified hospital for insurance of international students in Huzhou is the Affiliated Hospital of Medical School of Huzhou Univerisy (Huzhou First People's Hospital)

Do remember to go to the hospitals mentioned above if you are sick, otherwise the Insurance Company will reject to assume liabilities.

7.延长居留许可/ Residence Permit extension process

(1)X1签证过期时间为入境日起的第30日。持X1签证入境的学生,务必于入境日起3 0天内完成居留许可申请,否则将被中国法律处罚。

X1 visa expires on the thirtieth day from the date of entering China.X1 visa holders must apply for Residence Permit within30 days after entering China, or they will be held accountable by the Chinese law.


X1 visa holders must prepare all application documents for Residence Permit and submit them to Huzhou University Student Affairs Center 2 Administration BuildingRoom 323) 10 days before the X1 visa expires.


Residence Permit holders must prepare all application documents for Residence Permit extension and submit them to Student Affairs Center of Huzhou University 30 days before Residence Permit expires. Those who fail to do so will be punished according to laws in China. Detention or deportation may be conducted for severe violation actions.


Degree students who are unable to finish their studies within the prescribed time frame and wish to prolong their studies must submit application for extension six months before the time frame ends and apply for a new JW202 Form in order to extend residence permit.


In order to apply for a residence permit, the passport should keep valid for at least 12 months. Otherwise, your Residence Permit application will be rejected by the Immigration.


Application documents for Residence Permit are as follows:

■ 持X1签证入境者


② 一张二寸白底证件照


④护照资料页、 目前所持签证页和最近一次的中国入境章复印件各一张



⑦ JW202/JW201表(黄联)复印件;办理好后要及时归还JW202表,以免影响下一次签证办理


● For X1 visa holders

①Visa/Residence Permit Application Form (provided by International College)

②Two2-inch photos with white background

Certificate for Extension of Visa/Residence Permit Application

(provided by International College)

④Photocopy of passport ID, current visa and the latest Chinese entry stamp

⑤Health Certificate (students shall keep a copy for backup)

⑥Accommodation Registration Form for Foreigners (students living on campus/ Registration Voucher of Residence for Visitors from Overseas (students living off campus)

⑦Photocopy of the JW202/JW201 form(yellow page) Please keep a scanned copy for backup and return the original one back to International College

⑧Photocopy of Admission Notice in Chinese

■ 居留许可持有者




④护照资料页、 目前所持签证页和最近一次的中国入境章复印件各一张





● For Residence Permit holders

①Visa/Residence Permit Application Form (provided by International College)

②Two 2-inch photos with white background

Certificate for Extension of Visa/Residence Permit Application

(provided by International College)

④Photocopy of passport ID, current visa and the latest Chinese entry stamp

⑤Health Certificate (students shall keep a copy for backup)

⑥Accommodation Registration Form for Foreigners (students living on campus/ Registration Voucher of Residence for Visitors from Overseas (students living off campus)

⑦Photocopy of the JW202/JW201 form(yellow page) Please keep a scanned copy for backup and return the original one back to International College

⑧Photocopy of Admission Notice in Chinese

(7)仅持有效居留许可、 X1签证,方可在中国大陆办理居留许可延长。其他类型的签证,如X2, L,F,M,Z等类型签证,无法在华办理居留许可。

Only if the student currently have a Residence Permit or hold an X1 visa may he/she apply for a new residence permit which allows he/she to study in China. If the student currently hold any other visa such as X2,L,F,M,Z visa etc., he/she may not be allowed to apply for a Residence Permit.
