


On the morning of October 26, 2023, when the first ray of sunlight sprinkled slightly on the ground, the international students who participated in the phalanx performance of the opening ceremony of the sports meeting actively gathered downstairs of their dormitories. They are dressed in distinctive costumes from different countries, holding the national flags, full of enthusiasm and smiling, expecting the arrival of the sports meeting.



Autumn is clear and refreshing, and the warm sun is rising. The international students lined up, prepared for the phalanx performance of the 25th Track and Field Sports Meeting's opening ceremony in Huzhou University with the most energetic spirit. In their spare moments, they played drums and sang songs, which filled the whole phalanx with laughter and excitement, making the atmosphere relaxing as well as warm.


在引导员的带领下,国际学生们昂首挺胸地迈入操场。伴随着铿锵有力的口号和节奏咚咚的鼓点,他们踏着整齐的步伐走向主席台。在台前,他们载歌载舞,一首《Uptown Funk》获得了观众们热烈的掌声与欢呼声。最后,“我爱湖州,我爱中国”的口号表达了他们对中国,对湖州以及对师院的热爱!

Under the guidance of the instructor, the international students stepped into the playground with their chins up and chests out. Accompanied by the forcefully slogan and rhythmic drumbeats, they marched to the rostrum trimly. In front of the stage, they sang and danced. A song called “Updown Funk” won warm applause and cheers of audience. At last, the slogan “I love Huzhou, I love China” expressed their ardent love for Huzhou University, Huzhou and China!


After the phalanx performance of the opening ceremony of the sports meeting, all the international students and the members of International College of Huzhou University Students' Union took photos together in order to make a souvenir, which left a fantastic and unique memories of youth.
